

  1. AlphaContours.png
    Differential Operators on Sketches via Alpha Contours
    Mariia MyronovaWilliam Neveu, and Mikhail Bessmeltsev
    ACM Trans. Graph., Jul 2023


  1. SymmetryBreaking.png
    On symmetry breaking of dual polyhedra of non-crystallographic group H₃
    Mariia Myronova
    Acta Crystallographica Section A, Jul 2021


  1. CentralSplitting.png
    Central Splitting of A₂ Discrete Fourier–Weyl Transforms
    Jiří HrivnákMariia Myronova, and Jiří Patera
    Symmetry, Jul 2020
  2. NestedPolytopes.png
    Nested Polyhedra and Indices of Orbits of Coxeter Groups of Non-Crystallographic Type
    Mariia MyronovaJiří Patera, and Marzena Szajewska
    Symmetry, Jul 2020


  1. Graphene.png
    Dynamical Generation of Graphene
    Mariia Myronova, and Emmanuel Bourret
    In Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVI, Jul 2019
  2. DynkinDiagram.png
    The orthogonal systems of functions on lattices of SU(n + 1), n < ∞
    Mariia Myronova, and Marzena Szajewska
    In Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVII, Jul 2019